Les cinq portes du Château d’Allan


find the five gates of the feudal castle in the ruins of the old fortified village


The origins of the village date back to the 12th century, with its final expansion in the 14th century. A church was built here between 1601 and 1620, called Saint Jean-Baptiste. Exterior defensive structures date from the 16th to 18th centuries. The main gate, topped by the lord's coat of arms, was built in 1613.
The village is surrounded by a barry or rampart with 4 gates: La Fontaine, Porte Neuve, Porte de Monjoux, Porte Nord du château...and a fifth to be discovered.

Spoken languages

  • French


  • Historic patrimony


All year round, daily at 12 am.


Individual tour

  • Unguided individual tours available permanently
  • Guided individual tours on request

Group tour

  • Unguided group tours available permanently
  • Guided group tours on request


Free access.


Show itinerary