Confectioners, chocolate- and nougat-makers for 50 years in Monrélimar.
We have always taaken care to invent new products, with the same goal: quality, Our aim is that you should experience moments of emotion, for the love of good food should always be an emotion
We've always been keen to develop innovative products with the same objective: quality, with the aim of making you experience moments of emotion, because gourmandise must remain an emotion.
Spoken languages
- French
Payment options:
- Check
- Cash
- Titres restaurant (vouchers)
- Bank/credit card
- Credit transfer
Amenities and Services
- Click & Collect
- Online shop
- Pets welcome
- Wi-fi
- Private parking
- Coach parking
- Car park
- Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
- Even flooring with no obstacles
- WC + grab handle + adequate space to move
- Site, building totally accessible
- Possibility of drop-off in front of the site